Cramming all night for finals is common practice for many students but it isn’t the best method for doing well. Getting a good nights rest the night before the big test and chewing gum during the exam can help students perform better.
Some students don’t sleep much prior to finals, which has negative effects on performance.
According to a 2012 study published by the University of California, Los Angeles, sleep is a chief ingredient in achieving good marks on exams. “The problem is the trade-off between study and sleep,” researchers said. “Studying, of course, is a key contributor to academic achievement, but what students may fail to appreciate is that adequate sleep is also important for academics.”
Rather than cramming for high-pressure tests the night before, UCLA researchers said that studying for a few hours each day leading up to exams would increase a student’s chance of remembering the material.
“I always make sure I am well-rested before any exam I take,” said Jordan Oats, CSN student. “Being well-rested makes me have more confidence and it makes me feel good about the test I am about to take.”
Additionally, studies prove that chewing gum makes a difference.
According to a study called “Chewing Gun Helps you Concentrate for Longer” conducted August 2013 by The British Psychological Society, chewing gum during tests helps students have quicker reaction times and more accurate results than participants who didn’t chew gum.
Those two techniques can helps students reduce stress and perform better.
“Most students have some degree of stress about their finals as most care about the outcomes,” said Shellie Keller, manager of tutorial services. “I can tell you that the more prepared a student is, the less stressed he or she feels.”
There are plenty of ways for students to prepare for final exams and the tutorial services provide great resources. They are dedicated to establishing a positive, caring, learning atmosphere that supports classroom instruction and overall student success. Tutors offer one-on-one and drop-in support for students preparing for finals.
“Finals are something a lot of us college students dread,” said Malcolm Fletcher, CSN business major. “We all want to do well, but at the same time, finals are extremely overwhelming.”
The tutorial services are located at Cheyenne, Charleston and Henderson campuses. Open hours are Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Click this link for more information