Student Fashion Tips: Reduce, Reuse, Recreate

College of Southern Nevada

By Stephanie Santana Tuition fees increased and book prices rose cutting into students’ budgets for their clothing. According to Marinette Canlas, a student of the College and a fashion blogger, looking good doesn’t have to suffer because of the downfall in the economy. A lot of students on campus are on a budget, just like […]

Stargazing at The Planetarium

College of Southern Nevada

By Ricardo Torres From the moment the wheels of the Curiosity Rover first spun on Mars’ surface, the media and public have been fascinated with NASA and astronomy. Located in the eastside of the College of Southern Nevada’s Cheyenne Campus, one of just two public planetariums in the state can be found. Since the 1970’s, […]

How To Survive A Zombie Attack

By Chris Moxon To survive a zombie attack there are five rules people should know. 1. Do not go to wholesale stores (Costco, Sam’s Club) People will be racing to these stores to stock up on supplies. Within a few hours, all survival equipment will be seized. This strategy ultimately takes away precious time from finding […]