Cesar Chavez Day Celebrates Hispanic Community

Cesar Chavez Day event

Cesar Chavez Day event

By Jennifer Hurtado

Cesar Chavez Day brought the community together at the close of Hispanic Heritage month in March.

The Hispanic Student Union at the College of Southern Nevada contributed its efforts with the Student Organization of Latinos from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas to present the second annual Cesar Chavez Day event.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 31.5 percent of the population in Las Vegas is Hispanic.

CSN student Aaron Guerra, president for CSN’s Hispanic Student Union, said, “This is our second event this semester—definitely the biggest one. We were based as the marketing committee, which means we made the fliers, created a Facebook page for the event and focused on getting the word out to the Hispanic community as well as CSN students.”

Guerra said this event would not have been possible without the help of UNLV’s SOL committee, which is one of the largest Hispanic organizations in Las Vegas..

UNLV and CSN student Jose Rivera said, “As president of SOL, I am the event director [and deal with] any media or promotions,” Rivera said. “It goes through me for approval.”

“It’s not on the flier but we managed to get Dolores Huerta to speak at the event since she co-founded the United Farm Worker’s organization alongside Cesar Chavez,” Rivera noted.

Overall, the event was a success. Both UNLV and CSN had booths providing educational materials to anyone who was interested in attending the schools.

Local organizations and businesses such as Hispanics in Politics, Clark County Libraries, Three Square and the Latino Bar Association were all in attendance supporting the event and providing information to the community.

Guest speakers at the event included the following inspirational leader: Dolores Huerta, Julian Castro and Assemblyman Edgar Flores.