Students Learn the Business of Luck at Coyote Casino

By David Stepanian Sounds of dice hitting the craps table, cards shuffling on velvet and balls spinning around roulette wheels can be heard at Coyote Casino, at the College of Southern Nevada’s Cheyenne campus, where students enroll to learn to become casino personnel including blackjack dealers, pit bosses or even slot technicians. From casino surveillance […]

Due Tomorrow? Do Tomorrow

By Sam Picazo Although due dates are usually posted in class syllabi at the start of each semester, some students opt to do their school work at the last minute. Procrastination is common but that doesn’t mean it is the best way to get things done. According to a report titled “Understanding Procrastination” published by […]

Typing Not as Beneficial as Handwriting for Learning

By Leonardo Schauer Ongoing research studies on the difference between typing and handwriting are yielding some preliminary results: handwriting is better for learning. “Based on my research, handwritten notes are more effective for learning,” said Dr. Daniel Oppenheimer, associate professor at University of California, Los Angeles. In an article called “The pen is mightier than […]

No More Late Registration for Classes

By Jose Sillas College of Southern Nevada established a new policy disallowing students to register late for classes starting spring semester 2014. This new policy is based on studies done by various colleges around the country that show students, who register late in the first 12 days after classes start, are more likely to dropout. […]

Social Media Affects Grades

By Joaquin Lomeli Jr Some students would rather Facebook then do their homework. It’s affecting their grades in addition to their face-to-face communication skills. According to a 2011 study of the effects of social media on college students, done by Johnson & Wales University in Rhode Island, researchers found 80 percent of participants in the […]

Get Real-World Work Experience While Interning

By Jessica Itzep College of Southern Nevada offers internships as part of degree programs. Internships provide students real-work work experience and an opportunity to craft and hone their professional skills. Michele Fogg, internship coordinator for the communication department at CSN, says, “It’s one thing to read and be taught about what goes on at a […]

Achieving the Dream Helps Eliminate Student Achievement Gaps

By Nikiya Berry President Barack Obama created the American Graduation Initiative in 2009 to increase community-college graduates by 2020 by five million, according to the White House website on higher education. The College of Southern Nevada is committed to do its part to reach this goal. To ensure success, CSN has adopted the program Achieving […]

Students Pay for Summer Session Out of Pocket

By Clarrissa Lovett With summer classes quickly approaching, financial aid paperwork for summer is due July 31, 2013. There is important information to know when signing up for summer semester. According to College of Southern Nevada’s Fact in Brief, approximately 30 percent of the students received financial aid during the 2008-2009 school year. According to […]

It’s Never Too Late to Earn a College Degree

By Rachel Carruth Going back to school later in life can be a wonderfully daunting experience. The challenge can bring together the delights of learning while opening new avenues for professional success. A large part of the older population of students have already had successful careers, served time in the military, raised families and led […]

Transferring Schools Made Easy

By Clarrissa Lovett After finishing your associate degree at the College of Southern Nevada, keep going with your education. The transferring process is made simple by two departments at CSN. Many CSN students transfer to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas or other institutions. Some worry about what will transfer. The UNLV/CSN Transfer Center and […]